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 Message Publié: 15 Avr 2007, 22:00 
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Inscrit le: 27 Jan 2005, 23:24
Messages: 8974
Localisation: pays des cigognes
viking50 a écrit:
Aiemacowskhy Image


J'ai fait ma bonne action ... on va lui donner un coup de main a notre ami polonais a remonter sa panthère :o ...

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 Message Publié: 15 Avr 2007, 22:16 
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Inscrit le: 31 Août 2005, 16:41
Messages: 2819
Localisation: cherbourg(50)
aiemac a écrit:
viking50 a écrit:
Aiemacowskhy Image

J'ai fait ma bonne action ... on va lui donner un coup de main a notre ami polonais a remonter sa panthère :o ...

Je pense qu'il va apprécier le geste :wink:

I think that it goes appr?er the gesture (désolé mais mon traducteur me joue des tours :-D )

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 Message Publié: 15 Avr 2007, 22:40 
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Inscrit le: 29 Mars 2007, 19:29
Messages: 41
Localisation: Reda. Poland
OK guys, I'm a bit lost now - how about a little clue of what You're talking about :smt017
I only get the bit with monsieur Aiemacowskhy :smt042
I can see that You bagheerians are a bunch of purists :D Well You've got a strong point there, well right now I will continue to disassemble the car and catalogue the missing parts, at least we will know the scale of the problem.

How do you like the forklift that I work with? His name is Guido :smt040 he's about 30 years old - even in Poland not many companies use diesel forklifts with manual gears. I'm so lucky :smt101

Just bought my first MATRA, any materials and data

welcome and appreciated

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 16 Avr 2007, 00:02 
Pilier de comptoir
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Inscrit le: 07 Nov 2005, 01:42
Messages: 1144
Localisation: Aix en Provence / Paris
marynowskhy a écrit:
How do you like the forklift that I work with? His name is Guido :smt040 he's about 30 years old - even in Poland not many companies use diesel forklifts with manual gears. I'm so lucky :smt101

Regarding "old Guido", in my opinion it is a pretty good implement similar to the professional one I work with for the same purpose.
Two points though :
1) Beware the securities are efficient ;
2) In case you leave the engine when dismanteling all the rest, the rear is too heavy !
My solution is : reload the front with heavy parts such as batteries ; even then, I make it steady with a tube to secure it.
On the other hand, you're very lucky ; you have plenty of space to work in !!!

We will support you with the restoration as far as we can

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 16 Avr 2007, 23:13 
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Inscrit le: 29 Mars 2007, 19:29
Messages: 41
Localisation: Reda. Poland
Bonjour mais amis :unibrow:
I considered taking online French lessons, maybe even eating a frog or two - so maybe I could understand You better :smt037
The pictures I'm posting now should rather belong to the horror picture show section:
that's what is left of he cockpit
c'est terrible :smt009


Just bought my first MATRA, any materials and data

welcome and appreciated

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 Message Publié: 16 Avr 2007, 23:19 
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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2005, 15:14
Messages: 5861
Localisation: Granville (50)
The look of the speedo is not so bad as it seems my friend.

It doesn't belong to this car, that's all !!!

Un seul mot d'ordre : DEFOURAILLER !!!!!!!!

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 Message Publié: 16 Avr 2007, 23:22 
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Inscrit le: 29 Mars 2007, 19:29
Messages: 41
Localisation: Reda. Poland
Indeed the speedos alone don't look so bad, they're from an Alfa. But the rest is like put together from scrap...

Just bought my first MATRA, any materials and data

welcome and appreciated

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 16 Avr 2007, 23:26 
Pilier de comptoir
Pilier de comptoir
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Inscrit le: 07 Nov 2005, 01:42
Messages: 1144
Localisation: Aix en Provence / Paris
You definitely can't leave your car in that state !!!!!!

You can count on us to help you restore it to its former aspect.

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 16 Avr 2007, 23:33 
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Inscrit le: 27 Jan 2005, 23:24
Messages: 8974
Localisation: pays des cigognes
:eek: :shock: .... :smt088 ...
We help you ! :) .....

Ok you can eat frog .... ( :smt087 ) , I prefere drink Jubrowka and Spiritus :-D

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 16 Avr 2007, 23:47 
Pilier de comptoir
Pilier de comptoir

Inscrit le: 24 Mars 2005, 20:42
Messages: 1570
Localisation: 91 France
look at this ... dZViewItem
and this too ... dZViewItem

Rouler en Bagheera ne s'improvise pas ça se merite.

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 17 Avr 2007, 22:16 
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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2005, 15:14
Messages: 5861
Localisation: Granville (50)
Concerning this one : ... dZViewItem
I'm not totally sure, but i think i have one somewhere.

marynowskhy, do you want it ????

Un seul mot d'ordre : DEFOURAILLER !!!!!!!!

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 17 Avr 2007, 22:48 
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Inscrit le: 29 Mars 2007, 19:29
Messages: 41
Localisation: Reda. Poland
Hi Guys!
BULLITT a écrit:
marynowskhy, do you want it ????

Of course my friend - but I've been thinking ,and I don't want it to look like I want the stuff for free. Maybe one of You good Bagheerians could give me his account number so I can try to transfer some money to get the stuff from french ebay. Unless it's really some stuff that You want to ge rid of :D

I thank You all for the good will and support =D>

Just bought my first MATRA, any materials and data

welcome and appreciated

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 21 Avr 2007, 20:14 
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Inscrit le: 27 Jan 2005, 23:24
Messages: 8974
Localisation: pays des cigognes
Et l'eau ! :-D
Comme d'hab , si quelqu'un peu traduire ??? [-o< ,
Bon les frères weber sont en route pour la Pologne, la tante qui devais les emener directement en Pologne n'avait pas la place por le colis , donc elle la mis dans le camion qui fait la navette toute les semaines, ... en gros, comme il y a énormement de descendant de Polonais par ici, il y un paquet d'association,clubs etc... bref, toute les semaines est organiser une navette pour la Pologne pour envoyer tout et n'importe quoi, fringues, pompes, carbu :-D , bref tout ce qui manque la bas et/ou qui coute la peau des fesses (ca je sais pas comment le traduire :lol: ) , donc voila pour une poignee de cacahuètes on peu envoyer du matériels en Pologne, donc a l'avenir je pourais te faire parvenir des pièces si tu en as besoin.
NB: la tante de ma femme va te téléphoner pour t'expliquer tout ca, car mon polonais est un peu rouillé :-D .
En principe le camion est chez toi mercredi ou jeudi .
* voila messieurs si qlq peux dépatouillez ca, merci


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 Message Publié: 21 Avr 2007, 21:04 
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Inscrit le: 26 Juin 2005, 20:35
Messages: 8937
Localisation: France Isere
y'aurait pas moyen de trouver des pneus pas chers en Pologne ? :-k

Can we find not expansive tyres Michelin xas in poland ??

" t'as bien de beaux outils...Ils doivent pas servir souvent."..

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 21 Avr 2007, 23:35 
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Inscrit le: 27 Jan 2005, 23:24
Messages: 8974
Localisation: pays des cigognes
:smt088 ,personne pour traduire ?

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