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 Sujet du message: New Member from germany
 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 16:07 

Inscrit le: 19 Avr 2007, 13:01
Messages: 9
Localisation: Karlsruhe (Allemagne)
Hello Bagheera-Friends
my name is Thomas and I live near Karlsruhe in Germany.
Two years ago i made a dream of mine come true as I bought a 1980´s
Bagheera from Switzerland. She stood there since the early 90`s in a dry garage and after repairing I drive her with great pleasure in my spare time. Since then I try to learn everything about the Bagh.
Later a 1973 Bagh 1 followed which I want to restore completely , but this will take still a long time.
Best regards


 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 18:44 

Inscrit le: 10 Avr 2007, 13:25
Messages: 87
Localisation: Sweden
Hi Thomas,
Welcome to the forum.
The white series 1 on the second photo is that your car ?
Is the shell on the third photo the shell from the series 1?
What serial number does your early series 1 have ?
Best regards,


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 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 20:10 
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Inscrit le: 26 Juin 2005, 20:35
Messages: 8937
Localisation: France Isere
welcome to the bagheerians' forum :smt039

baghcafé studies for the remaking of trunks ,and your corresponds so that we want to obtain...very great quality... :) i did one but i had much more deformations... i want to knowledge the thickness of the tole you use and how you could form your mouldings into

" t'as bien de beaux outils...Ils doivent pas servir souvent."..

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 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 20:56 
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Inscrit le: 31 Oct 2005, 20:50
Messages: 1399
Localisation: Kassel / Allemagne
hallo thomas,
willkommen im bagheera-cafe!
du bist doch der mitschrauber von lars fichtner?! dann warst du es auch, der mit dem roten bag davonfuhr, als ich mitte märz bei lars war?!
viel spass hier im bag cafe!
salut les gars,
c'est en effet un copain de lars fichtner, le mec avec la coucou et la bag turquoise en 17 pouces.

a+, kris

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 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 21:16 
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Inscrit le: 26 Juin 2005, 20:35
Messages: 8937
Localisation: France Isere
En tous cas , sa malle est bien dans l' dû le faire au marteau :)

" t'as bien de beaux outils...Ils doivent pas servir souvent."..

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 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 21:21 
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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2005, 15:14
Messages: 5861
Localisation: Granville (50)
Welcome Thomas !
I can see an Ali's Bagheera cavern !!

Quiet good !!

Un seul mot d'ordre : DEFOURAILLER !!!!!!!!

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 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 21:38 
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Pilier de comptoir

Inscrit le: 24 Mars 2005, 20:42
Messages: 1570
Localisation: 91 France
Hello Thomas welcome to the forum :)

Rouler en Bagheera ne s'improvise pas ça se merite.

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 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 21:41 
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Inscrit le: 31 Août 2005, 16:41
Messages: 2819
Localisation: cherbourg(50)
Bienvenue Thomas :smt039

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 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 22:11 
Pilier de comptoir
Pilier de comptoir

Inscrit le: 31 Août 2005, 21:45
Messages: 1259
Localisation: loire gard
Bienvenue Thomas :)

Pour les amateurs de surf
pour ceux d'Espace

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 Message Publié: 25 Avr 2007, 23:54 
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Inscrit le: 07 Nov 2005, 01:42
Messages: 1144
Localisation: Aix en Provence / Paris
Willkommen Thomas :smt039

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 26 Avr 2007, 08:59 
Willkommen Thomas :)
Will we see you together with Lars ?

We are preparing to meetings that should be in reach : Spa Francorchamps as last year and also on the Madine lake

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 27 Avr 2007, 21:00 

Inscrit le: 19 Avr 2007, 13:01
Messages: 9
Localisation: Karlsruhe (Allemagne)
Hi Bagheera-Friends
Thank you very much to all for your welcome.
@Stig : Hi, yes, the shell is the skeleton of my white bag1 which I want
to restore. She was first licensed on 24.11.1973, her serial number
is X35504X102765
@Joe: Hi, the mouldings were really a problem first, but a friend of my
father has a garage. The metal sheet ( 1 mm) was fixed and
then he hammered the mouldings into it!( 5mm) He didn´t use any tools except the hammer
He made 3 trunks, one ordered a friend of mine, one is going to
be welded
these days into my bag1 and one is left as a sample.
I´ve already seen the pics of your remakes of the door-sills
or the front-columns. Really great work.That will be the next
task for me.
@kris : Hallo Kris,
Genau, wir haben uns kurz kennengelernt. Lars und ich teilen uns
die Werkstatt. Ich bin auch manchmal im matraforum unterwegs
hier ist es eindeutig interessanter. Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja
gemeinsam bei einem treffen wieder ( Spa?) : Hi, yes I´ve heard about it from Lars. It must have been
great last year! Thanks I´d like to come and
meet you all in person.
Best Regards to you all


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 Message Publié: 27 Avr 2007, 21:32 
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Inscrit le: 26 Juin 2005, 20:35
Messages: 8937
Localisation: France Isere
Hello Thomas

i destroy this afternoon a wreck of trunk series 2 given by Norbert, From this example; baghcafé will make the remaking.... We already make bottoms of case, floors, container of battery, avoids mud before right :smt017 (babelfish..Image)... if you need part, you can send a 50? money to aiemac, the accountant of the bagheerathon, a regrouping of 19 members of the baghcafe which purchases the last parts available for preparing their remaking... this contribution gives you right a reduction of 30% without taxation of the remakings of baghcafé us if you want photos or prices

" t'as bien de beaux outils...Ils doivent pas servir souvent."..

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 05 Mai 2007, 15:04 

Inscrit le: 19 Avr 2007, 13:01
Messages: 9
Localisation: Karlsruhe (Allemagne)
Hi Joe,
thanks for your offer. The chassis-frame of my bag1 is in quite good condition, but some parts are impossible to repair and I want to replace them. The next thing will be the front-columns.
I´ll try to save the original door-sills, but if I fail, I´ll need them too
I´ll contact aiemac, please send me after that a list and pictures of the refabrications, and a price list. It is also possible to create further trunks
the friend of my father made, in order to swap refabrications
Best regards


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