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 Sujet du message: Matra - or sex and viagra
 Message Publié: 14 Juil 2007, 10:01 

Inscrit le: 10 Jan 2007, 00:21
Messages: 60
Localisation: Suède
The last couple of days Bagheera Café has got several new members from the USA. Most of them seems not interested in Bagheeras but in selling Viagra or pornography. The links go to sexsites and some sites tries to load spyware on to your computer.
How does this apply to the rules of the Bagheera Café?:
We are happy to welcome you over here. Before releasing you, some rules to observe:
This space is made to communicate with complete freedom, in an interdependent, convivial spirit and with the pure respect of the other.
This forum is mainly intended to the Matra Bagheeras enthousiast.
In order to keep a convivial spirit, it is strongly advised for each new registered member to present himself.
Don't be shy, we will accomodate you in a friendly way.
We don't accept that data posted on this forum are copied on other places.

The moderators and the administrator are authorized to remove any message which they consider unsuited, abusive or has doubtful character, and if necessary, the access to the forum could then be defended with

Bagheera X 1980 AX555...( and 8 Citroën )

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 15 Juil 2007, 11:42 
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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2005, 15:14
Messages: 5861
Localisation: Granville (50)
We know this problem but it is not really simple to stop it.
Rudz and are working to find a solution.

Maybe the problem will be resolved very quickly now.

Un seul mot d'ordre : DEFOURAILLER !!!!!!!!

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 16 Juil 2007, 00:40 
I don't get these spywares : I don't open the web sites of these accounts
They can't post & so aren't quite dangerous.

Just a big disturbance for the ones that need to delete them everyday

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 16 Juil 2007, 02:59 

Inscrit le: 17 Mai 2007, 01:44
Messages: 9
Localisation: Midlands UK
Hi ,
I use Opera browser, not Microsoft IE and this seems to help stop these pests. I never seem to get 'pop ups' with Opera unless I want them.

I find if you need to get rid of a spyware bug then "Spybot" is a very good programme and Free to use ...just google for the address of the site to get it.

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