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 Sujet du message: Sound proofing
 Message Publié: 21 Août 2007, 08:59 

Inscrit le: 10 Avr 2007, 13:25
Messages: 87
Localisation: Sweden
Hi eveyone,
I wonder what kind of sound insulation material there should be on the floor inside the cabin.
My car has some thin glued on material and a non standard very thin carpet and I get a lot of road noise which maybe comes through the floor.


 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 23 Août 2007, 10:56 
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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2005, 15:14
Messages: 5861
Localisation: Granville (50)
Hi Stig!
I suppose you're searching for these parts :
I just try to phone to HB PIECES AUTO in order to know if these parts
will be still available but i don't have any reply.
There are problably in holiday.
Don't worry, i will inform you here in a proach future, as soon as i have

the confirmation from them with the total coast.

Un seul mot d'ordre : DEFOURAILLER !!!!!!!!

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 24 Août 2007, 11:47 
Hi Stig.
I used costly 3M rubber plates that are glued on 1 side.
Then, car sound deadening materiel, looking like coton padding.

I prefered to use the car one than the one similar find in carpet sellers because then I'm sure it must be fireproof. ( well, at least this is what I think)

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