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 Sujet du message: engine_info
 Message Publié: 23 Jan 2008, 23:13 

Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2007, 13:22
Messages: 36
Localisation: Croatia, Bjelovar
I read that engine 1440 cc from bagheera is driving in simca 1000,so what are the modification to put all this work?Engine is rotate in other way and is transverzal position in bag itc.... What about gearbox,it can be from simca 1000 or it must change?

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 23 Jan 2008, 23:31 
Hi Pepo,µ
The gearbox is totaly different being in lin with the engine.µ
The Engine of a Simca rallye 2 is about the same as the 1290 cc engine of the Bagheera.µ

And when I say about the same, there are little details to ,odify to have it rotating the reverse way. Not only the camshaft but also some little modification on the crankshaft to have the oil going out better on the bearings If not done, the engine will last only some thousand milles. Also, the pistons are specific... So beware

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 Message Publié: 18 Mars 2008, 20:00 

Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2007, 13:22
Messages: 36
Localisation: Croatia, Bjelovar
I find 1294 engine from bagheera to put in simca 1000.Man told me that gearbox from simca 1000(944ccm engine) can fit with 1294 engine from bagheera.So is that true?Or it must be(gearbox) only from rally?

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 Message Publié: 19 Mars 2008, 14:12 
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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2005, 15:14
Messages: 5861
Localisation: Granville (50)
pepo a écrit:
I find 1294 engine from bagheera to put in simca 1000.Man told me that gearbox from simca 1000(944ccm engine) can fit with 1294 engine from bagheera.So is that true?Or it must be(gearbox) only from rally?

Translation in french.
Je constate que le moteur 1294 de ma bagheera peut s'installer
dans une Simca 1000.
Quelqu'un m'a dit que la boîte de vitesse simca 1000 (944ccm le moteur)
peut s'adapter à un moteur de bagheera 1294.
Donc est-ce vrai ?

Ou doit-elle (la boîte de vitesse) obligatoirement provenir d'une Rallye ??

Un seul mot d'ordre : DEFOURAILLER !!!!!!!!

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 Message Publié: 19 Mars 2008, 14:23 
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Inscrit le: 27 Jan 2005, 15:32
Messages: 3813
Localisation: Pays des vaches rouges - 87
Hi, the engine rotation is different between a Bagheera and a 1000 Rallye.

I don't know if this fact must have an impact on the gearbox type...

Make it funky !

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 19 Mars 2008, 15:14 

Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2007, 13:22
Messages: 36
Localisation: Croatia, Bjelovar
In bagheera is gearbox from simca 1100 and 1307.So I am confused.I think it cant fit?!

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 19 Mars 2008, 17:18 
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Pilier de comptoir
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Inscrit le: 31 Oct 2005, 20:50
Messages: 1399
Localisation: Kassel / Allemagne
hi pepo,
in fact the engine mounts to the gearboxes are the same between clockwise-rotating engines and non-clockwise-rotating engines.
so you can fit both - either the transversal-mount-gearbox (bag, 1100, 1308 etc.) or the longitudinal mount-gearbox (simca 1000 and 1200) on the same engines.
so you can mount a bagheera-engine 1.294ccm into a 1000 Rallye - by using the 1000's gearbox and by modifying the engine:
- changing the camshaft
- changing the direction of the pistons
- changing the oil-pump and delco system ...
a lot of work but possible.

but you can't mount a bagheera gearbox into a 1000 - bagheera has a transversal mount and the 1000 has a longitudinal mount gearbox.

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 19 Mars 2008, 20:45 

Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2007, 13:22
Messages: 36
Localisation: Croatia, Bjelovar
I want make simca 1000 drive and than bagheera.

Just one question:I find on internet, site of Jurgen from Germany.Is he selling parts for bagheera?

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 02 Avr 2008, 11:02 

Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2007, 13:22
Messages: 36
Localisation: Croatia, Bjelovar
Did fiat engine 904 ccm have some similarities with simca type315 engine 777,844,944ccm itc...

I wonder does head of simcas 944 fitt to block of fiat 904ccm engine?

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 Message Publié: 02 Avr 2008, 20:55 
Pilier de comptoir
Pilier de comptoir

Inscrit le: 31 Août 2005, 21:45
Messages: 1259
Localisation: loire gard
Les moteurs tournent dans un sens different et les circuits d'huile sont modifiés en consequence. Qui traduit :(

Pour les amateurs de surf
pour ceux d'Espace

 Sujet du message:
 Message Publié: 02 Avr 2008, 22:30 

Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2007, 13:22
Messages: 36
Localisation: Croatia, Bjelovar
romop36 a écrit:
Les moteurs tournent dans un sens different et les circuits d'huile sont modifiés en consequence. Qui traduit :(

OK,so it cant fitt together!?

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